Thursday, August 7, 2014

Optimize Your Bathroom for Fall Prevention and Safety

Deciding on the optimal grab bar installation professional when installing grab bars in your bathroom can be an important first step in making your bathroom safe for use. Grab bar installation specialists who are knowledgeable and have the proper tools to assess which locations are most effective for grab bars are an essential aspect of fall prevention management.

Mr. Grab Bar of Barefoot Bay Florida is frequently recommended by hospitals, physicians, and therapists because of their long track record of satisfied customers and installations. Mr. Grab Bar
is made up of a team of grab bar installation specialists and owned and operated by a licensed physical therapist.


Grab Bar Installation Near Toilet

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Grab Bar Installation Services throughout Barefoot Bay Florida

Mr. Grab Bar of Barefoot Bay Florida now offers grab bar installation services throughout Palm Barefoot Bay Florida.

Limitations in mobility and disabilities can make the bathroom a hazardous arena for further injury and the optimal way of making the bathroom safe is with the installation of grab bars as preventative measure against falls. Grab bars empower the individual to take control of their own safety with the enhanced stability and function that a bathroom equipped with grab bars provides. 

Mr. Grab Bar of Barefoot Bay Florida is now accepting referrals from hospitals, rehabilitation centers, home health agencies, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and various other allied health professionals and facilities throughout Barefoot Bay Florida.